Monday, March 24, 2008

10 weeks 6 days

We went in for another ultra-sound last week on the 17th and the baby has really grown. See the pictures below! You will notice white marks on the baby's face. Those are the cheek bones developing. It looks like a alien from the movie predator. We were excited to be able to see the arms and legs moving about. However, in the pictures it is difficult to see the legs because the baby has them crossed in front of the body like indian style.

The first picture looked like the baby was giving us a thumbs up. At least that what we would like to think. The dark eye sockets are very distinct as the baby's skin is still translucent.

We were amazed to see the difference that a week made in the growth of the baby. From 2.65 cm to 3.90 cm.

Please continue to pray for Jennifer and the baby. We go in Tuesday at 2:30 for another ultra-sound and are looking forward to seeing the baby again. Jennifer is feeling much better since she is approaching the end of the 1st trimester.


Stephen & Jennifer


Wanderlust Driven said...

Yay! Another alien baby in the family! Lol, Brian won't be the only one. :D J/k....sounds like things are going well. I am so happy for you guys!

jennyBKK napassorn said...
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