Saturday, April 26, 2008

14 Weeks Sonogram

I apologize for not putting this up sooner. The last couple weeks have been crazy! We went into see Jennifer's regular doctor, Dr. Robbins, back on the 11th of April to have our first sonogram. It was amazing how much we could see from the sonogram. The baby was just lying still until Dr. Robbins started moving the sensor over Jennifer's belly and then the baby started squirming all around. The baby had its legs crossed at the beginning so Dr. Robbins kept moving the sensor around until we got a clear shot. So, we are about 75% sure what the gender is of the baby.

The baby's heart beat was good and strong and we were amazed to see how much the baby had grown. We knew the baby was growing because Jennifer's belly was growing but the baby had almost tripled in size since the last ultrasound. The baby was 5.2 cm and now it is 14.4 cm.

We will be going into see Dr. Robbins for another sonogram on the 9th of May and are excited to see the baby and should know 100% the gender at that time.

Please continue to intercede for Jennifer and the baby. Pray for Jennifer to remain healthy and the same for the baby. Pray for the baby's salvation, that he would come to know Jesus at an early age, repent, and be baptized. Pray for Jennifer and I as we move into parenthood and our responsibility to live out before our child what a relationship with the Lord should look like.

I do praise the Father for over the last couple weeks I fell in love all over again with my first love and He has given me a deeper passion for His Word and love for people. However, pray for me at work that the Lord would continue to use me as a witness to salesmen that I hire.

We love ya'll and are eternally grateful for your prayers.

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