Sunday, May 25, 2008

20 Weeks Sonogram!

We went into the Doctor on Tuesday the 20th to have the major sonogram done. It was awesome to see how we could see the brain, lungs, heart, spine, fingers, toes, nose, tongue, ear, and many other things. Praise the Lord that everything is fine and healthy. Please continueto pray for Samuel as he continues to grow and be fashioned by the Lord.

Here is a picture of his hand.

Here is a good picture of the outline of his head.

Here is a picture of his left arm with him sucking his finger.

Another picture of the outline of his head and you can see his spine.
Here he was being funny sticking his butt up in the air. You can see his spine.

We go back to Doctor Robbins on June 2nd to listen to the heart beat and make sure everything is going well. As of Tuesday the Doctor said Samuel weighed 11 ounces and was the size of a banana. Jennifer is doing well and just experiencing some discomfort when she is on her feet for long periods of time. Her back gets sore. We continue to log onto to keep up with the development of the baby and expectations of what Jennifer is going through. It is a great web site and helps us to know what to pray for specifically each week for Samuel.
We covet your prayers and love ya'll very much.
Stephen & Jennifer

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